Are you curious about a unique breed of designer dog that most people have never heard of? The Golden Mountain Dog is a stunning mix of a Golden Retriever and a Bernese Mountain Dog that astonishes dog enthusiasts with its enormous stature and gentle loving nature. 

A lovely cross Golden Mountain Dogs resemble purebred Golden Retrievers more often than they do Golden Retrievers dressed in Bernese Mountain Dog colors. Because of their adorable puppy appearance young Golden Mountain Dogs are especially appealing. 

They resemble teddy bears. The Golden Mountain Dog which combines the best qualities of the Golden Retriever and the Bernese Mountain Dog is a gentle giant that makes a great family pet. This designer breed sometimes referred to as the Bernese Golden Mountain Dog is renowned for its companionability, devotion and laid-back disposition. 

The Golden Dog is an excellent choice whether you’re looking for a first-time dog, a companion for your current dog or cat or an ideal family pet for young children. With the help of this extensive guide discover more about the temperament, well-being, social skills and ownership of Mountain Dogs. 

Characteristics of Golden Mountain Dog

Intelligence and Temperament

Among the most appealing qualities of the Golden Mountain Dog are its intelligence and temperament. The Golden Mountain Dog is kind, amiable and simple to train in spite of its size. As both parent breeds are working dogs you will need to provide your puppy with lots of play regular training and exercise to keep them stimulated. 

Are Golden Mountain Dogs Family-Friendly?

 Some of the best characteristics of its parent breeds are exhibited by the Golden Mountain Dog. These are friendly canines that make the perfect addition to any family particularly those with young kids. But since your dog might not be aware of its size, continue training it to reinforce manners. 

Do Golden Mountain Dogs Get Along with Other Pets?

Being a gregarious breed Mountain Dogs usually get along with other dogs and cats in the home. Nonetheless because this breed is large and actively socializes your puppy early on to promote safe play with smaller dogs and cats. 

Important Information for Golden Mountain Dog Owners: To make sure the Golden Mountain Dog suits your needs and lifestyle it’s important to educate yourself about the breed just as you would with any other. Before acquiring your Golden Mountain Dog keep the following things in mind as they are a lifetime commitment.

Golden Mountain Dog Size

At the shoulder Golden Mountain Dogs measure 21. 5-27. 5 inches in height and weigh 55-115 pounds making them large to extra-large dogs. If you’re interested in bernese mountain dog, then checkout our article on Mini Bernese Mountain Dog and Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy

Food & Dietary Needs

 Health and nutrition are closely related. Puppies should be fed premium puppy food designed for large breeds to give them the best start possible. You can transition to premium adult food designed for large breeds with moderate activity levels as your dog gets older. 

You should feed three to four cups of dry food per day depending on the size of your dog. Look for high-protein brands with meat as the primary ingredient when you go grocery shopping. 

Steer clear of brands that include an excessive amount of sweeteners, preservatives and fillers. Due to their tendency toward skin allergies Mountain Dogs may benefit from limited-ingredient or grain-free formulas. 


Like their designer pup the Golden Retriever and Bernese Mountain Dog are robust working breeds that love exercise and stimulation. Training sessions, playtime and daily walks are all necessary for the Golden Mountain Dog to maintain a moderate level of activity. 


Incredibly smart and simple to train is the Golden Mountain Dog. Positive-reinforcement training is the most effective method of training for this breed. It makes use of rewards to promote positive behavior. Playtime treats, petting and verbal praise are all examples of rewards. Treat-based incentives work really well with this breed because they enjoy eating so much.


The Golden Mountain Dog needs a lot of brushing and grooming due to its long fluffy double coat which sheds all year round. Brushing your dog on a daily basis will help keep their coat shiny and free of loose fur. 

It may be useful to have tools like a brush curry comb and shedding comb. Bathing your dog too often can cause skin conditions and disturb their natural oils. Only give your Golden Mountain Dog baths when necessary and then use a mild dog shampoo. 

Your dog also needs to have their nails trimmed and their ears cleaned every week. Regular dental care from your veterinarian or thorough brushing at home can help prevent periodontitis tooth abscesses and other dental health problems. 

Health and Well-Being

While mixed breeds are frequently healthier than their purebred counterparts, the Golden Mountain Dog is susceptible to many of the same health problems as its parent breeds. Among these could be certain malignancies and blood-clotting conditions like Von Willebrand’s disease and epilepsy.  

If you own a Golden Mountain Dog some health concerns to be mindful of are as follows:

  • Recurrent infections in the ears
  • Vision and ocular issues 
  • Swell
  • Joint problems 
  • Spinal problems
  • Neurological problems 
  • Cancers

Golden Mountain Dogs Breeds

Imagine no more! Here are a few gorgeous Golden Retriever/Bernese Mountain Dog mixes from around the globe whose appearances perfectly capture the characteristics of this hybrid breed. 

1. Brewster

Though he is still a puppy Brewster’s sizeable fluffy paws already indicate that he will grow into a big boy! Brewster is a Golden Mountain Dog from South Boston. He is an easygoing pup who likes to play with his toys, go for walks with his humans and find comfortable spots to watch and absorb the world around him. 

2. Sully and Nala 

Sully (left) and Nala (right) are both Golden Mountain Dogs but Nala looks almost like a purebred Golden Retriever! In mixed breeds there can be a lot of variation and these two are a great example of how two dogs of the same mix can differ so greatly. 

3, Romy

Originally from Lyon France Romy is a gorgeous boy with a cat for a best friend. He enjoys playing with other dogs and cuddling up in blankets with his human and their cat Spiky. 

4. Norm

Based solely on appearances you could conclude that Norm is a Newfoundland. Norm who is six years old and hails from Northern Illinois is actually a Golden Retriever/Bernese Mountain mix despite his nearly all-black coat! His family has had him since he was a puppy from a tree farm! 

5. Loki

Loki, a Canadian Golden Mountain Dog puppy of 11 months old is undergoing training to become a service dog. With his high level of intelligence and his constant desire to please his humans Loki will make the ideal assistance dog when his training is complete. 

6. Wattle

Wattle is a Canadian Golden Mountain Dog from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She is a stunning woman. Even at the age of one Wattle has grown significantly and her appearance is unmistakably influenced by her parentage the Bernese Mountain Dog. 

7. Brewer

Brewer who is three years old and hails from Vancouver Island British Columbia is a dog lover who adores the outdoors particularly the beach. He could spend endless hours chasing his ball into the water and has savored many sunsets on the sand following a long day of play. 

8. Gary

Though Gary appears to be a black-colored Golden Retriever his small white toes and reddish-brown chest fur suggest that he is actually a Golden Mountain Dog! Gary who is six years old and from Vancouver British Columbia is the largest dog in his family which also includes a Pitbull mix, small Terriers and mixes of Chihuahuas. 

9. Hank

Five-year-old London Ontario resident Hank is a handsome Golden Mountain Dog who loves belly rubs according to his humans! Hank is a happy eager-to-go boy who always has a smile on his face and a streak of retrievers that comes out when he sees water. 

Male Vs Female Golden Mountain Dog

One’s lifestyle ultimately determines whether to choose a male or female Golden Mountain Dog. Taller and heavier than the female Golden Mountain Dogs tend to be more masculine. This additional size could raise the price of food and veterinary care including anesthesia and weight-based medication. 

On the other hand, neutering a female dog usually costs more than neutering a male. A lot of the characteristics linked to sex in males versus. Due to the hormones that affect female dogs, spaying and neutering can help avoid issues like male urine marking. Male and female pets are both laid-back and friendly in terms of temperament and personality. 

Mountain Dog Golden Retriever For Sale

Because Golden Mountain Dogs are not produced by moral or kennel club affiliated breeders we do not advise purchasing a Golden Mountain Dog puppy. Profit is the driving force behind backyard breeders and puppy mills creating this hybrid and they don’t take the proper precautions to guarantee that their mating partners are genetically compatible. 

Not only can designing mixed breeds lead to unpredictable outcomes but it can also result in extremely ill dogs. Find ethical breeders of purebred Golden Retrievers or purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs instead of purchasing a mixed breed from an unethical breeder. In the same vein breed-specific animal rescues can assist you in meeting your ideal canine companion. To help you get started here are some resources. 

Golden Mountain Dog puppies

Puppies of Golden Mountain Dogs are just as adorable as those of their parent breeds. Regretfully this indicates that there are many shady breeders and puppy mills on the market. Make sure you investigate the breeders before purchasing a puppy and trust your instincts.

Bernese Mountain Dog and Golden Retriever Mix

It is now your turn to own a pet. Golden Retriever Bernese Mountain Dog Mix is my favorite breed out of all the dogs I brought home. This guide will assist you in your pet purchase process regardless of whether you have made up your mind to get a Mountain Bernese Golden Retriever Dog Mix breed. 

3 Reasons to Get a Mountain Dog Golden Retriever

Friendly and Non-Aggressive

It’s possible that you’re searching for a playmate for the kids or your new best friend at home. You won’t go wrong with a Bernese Golden Retriever Mix Mountain Dog since they are kind, gentle and friendly regardless of your reasons for wanting a dog. 

It Can Live With Other Pets

Animals of different species occasionally get into fights which is a familiar problem for pet owners. The Golden Retriever with Bernese Mountain Dog Mix would be a wonderful addition to your pet family if you already have chickens, cats, birds or dogs of various breeds. This is because it gets along well with other animals. 

Responsive in Dog’s Training

Owing to its gentle disposition this dog responds well to dog training. You can never be certain about the qualities and traits of a child’s parents. But with dog training you can quickly address the dog’s negative traits. Compared to other breeds this one isn’t as active. Consequently compared to other dogs that enjoy running around the yard they won’t be as challenging to train. 


In summary, A wonderful choice for many different types of pet owners, the Golden Mountain Dog is well-known for its loving disposition and luxurious thick coat. Whether you want to start a family or add a new member this adorable giant can be a faithful friend, a playmate for your kids and other pets and an enthusiastic exercise partner.


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