Large powerful livestock guardians known as Turkish Boz Shepherds or simply Boz Shepherds are a breed that originated in Turkey. These dogs who are bred to defend livestock from wolves, bears and wild boars are well-known for their gentle disposition and protective inclinations toward their families. 

Despite having clear distinctions in size, temperament and pedigree Boz Shepherds and the more well-known Kangal Shepherd are frequently compared. This article will explore this uncommon and remarkable breeds health diet, lifespan personality traits and other important information. 

Health of the Turkish Boz Shepherd

However as with other large dog breeds the Boz Shepherd is not without some health complications that prospective owners need to know. This is a disease in genetics, which makes the hip joint to partially fit in the socket it is supposed to fit in. 

  1. Hip Dysplasia: Among the Breeds that are prone to hip dysplasia Boz Shepherd Dogs changes are more likely to develop this condition due to their size. In the later part of their livelihood, this condition is bound to cause problems in mobility and joint pains like arthritis. 
  2. Elbow Dysplasia: As it is to hip dysplasia elbow dysplasia affects the elbow joint and may lead to arthritis or front limb lameness. 
  3. Obesity: However due to their large size and herding tendencies Boz Shepherds need to be kept at a proper weight. Obesity results in a number of diseases and conditions some of which are; Arthritis and joint pain. There are only two reasons behind and those are over-eating and lethargy. 
  4. Bloat (Gastric Torsion): If the stomach flips and distended with gas then it is called bloat or gastric torsion. That is expected to happen in dogs with barrel chests than in other dogs. In this case the general treatment which may be fatal needs a veterinarian’s attention. 

Some of the common diseases can be minimized by putting the animals on an active lifestyle, proper feeding and periodic checkup by the veterinarian. 

Food and Diet for Turkish Boz Shepherds

That is why choosing the type of food for a Turkish Boz Shepherd should be approached cautiously because of their size and activity level. These dogs should therefore be fed on balanced rations to ensure they are growing as well as full of energy due to their huge size.

  • Puppy Stage: As for the nutritional needs of a puppy in the first months of its life feeding should be based on a diet rich in calcium and protein necessary for the fast formation of bones and muscles respectively. Avoid feeding your dog too much as rapid growth is bad for their joints and increased chances of ailment such as hip dysplasia. 
  • Adult Stage: Boz Shepherds need a diet that keeps them lean and gives them the energy they need for daily activities once they reach adulthood. Large active breeds can benefit from a raw diet or premium kibble. 
  • Senior Stage: The food requirements of Boz Shepherds alter as they get older. Dietary reduction can help avoid obesity and chondroitin and glucosamine supplements can aid with joint pain and mobility problems. 

For advice on the ideal diet for your Boz Shepherd always consult a veterinarian. 

Lifespan of Turkish Boz Shepherds

A Turkish Boz Shepherds lifespan usually falls into the 10–14 year range which is typical for large breeds. Some Boz Shepherds may live even longer with the right care which includes regular veterinary check ups exercise and a healthy diet. 

These dogs take longer than other breeds to mature physically and mentally which contributes to their tendency to live slightly longer than some other giant breeds. They also grow more slowly than some other breeds. 

Personality Traits of the Turkish Boz Shepherd

Due to their unique personalities Boz Shepherds make devoted family members and excellent guardians of livestock. 

Protective: Sensitively guarding their family and livestock these dogs are protective of them. They are renowned for their bravery and tenacity in defending their house and loved ones. 

Independent: Boz Shepherds are very perceptive and self-sufficient thinkers. Being independent is crucial for a livestock guardian because in the field they must make their own decisions. 

Gentle with Family: Boz Shepherds are noted for being gentle with their families especially the younger ones in spite of their massive stature and commanding manner. They are extremely affectionate and develop close relationships with their human families. 

Distant from Strangers: Boz Shepherds are known to be guarded or distant from strangers. Unless they feel threatened they usually wont act aggressively but they will be wary of strangers. 

Devoted: These canines have a strong sense of loyalty to their flock and owners. They will always be there for their family no matter what and they take their responsibility as guardians seriously. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd Size

The impressive size of the Turkish Boz Shepherd is well-known. At the shoulder men can measure between 28 and 36 inches tall and weigh between 110 and 180 pounds. Females typically weigh between 90 and 140 pounds so even though they are slightly smaller they are still quite varied. 

They make excellent guardians due to their size but they also need lots of room to move around and exercise. This breed is usually best suited to owners with expansive properties or farms. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd Ears

The Boz Shepherds’ ears are among their most distinctive characteristics. Boz Shepherds usually have naturally floppy ears unlike some other breeds where ear cropping is common. Comparing the dog to certain other guardian breeds, these ears give the dog a softer, more friendly appearance. 

On livestock guardian dogs in Turkey ear cropping is occasionally done for pragmatic purposes like avoiding damage during encounters with predators. Ear cropping is however discouraged or outright prohibited in many nations. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd Price

Boz Shepherds can be costly because of their unique breeding methods and rarity. Turkish Boz Shepherd puppy prices can vary from $2000 to $4000 based on the breeder pedigree and geographic area. 

If someone wants to buy a Boz Shepherd they should do extensive research on breeders. Make sure the breeder follows moral breeding principles and concentrates on the temperament and general health of the puppies. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd for Sale

Because the Boz Shepherd is a rare breed especially outside of Turkey it can be difficult to find one for sale. Specialized breeders and devoted enthusiasts breed the majority of Boz Shepherds. Search for respectable breeders who guarantee the puppies are raised in hygienic conditions and who can produce health certifications. 

Certain breeders who specialize in Turkish livestock guardian dogs may be the only source of Boz Shepherds in certain areas. There aren’t many opportunities for adoption or rescue although on rare occasions breed-specific rescues may have Boz Shepherds. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd Puppies for Sale

PupSpecialty breeders are typically the ones selling Turkish Boz Shepherd puppies. Prospective owners should be prepared for the responsibilities involved in raising such a large and independent breed. 

When searching for puppies for sale it is critical to give preference to breeders who preserve the health and working abilities of the Boz Shepherd breed. Before making a purchase prospective owners should ensure they can give the large working breed the mental and physical stimulation requirements of a puppy Boz Shepherd. 

Turkish Boz Shepherd vs Kangal

A popular Turkish livestock guardian breed that is frequently compared to the Boz Shepherd is the Kangal. Although their functions in safeguarding livestock are similar the two breeds differ in terms of appearance and temperament. 

  • Size: One of the largest Turkish dog breeds the Boz Shepherd is typically bigger and heavier than the Kangal. 
  • Temperament: Both breeds are fiercely protective but the Kangal is thought to be more intense and focused when it comes to guarding whereas the Boz Shepherd is more laid-back and loving when it comes to its family. 
  • Lineage: Both breeds have ancient Turkish roots but it is thought that the Boz Shepherd and Kangal have distinct genetic lines due to differences in their physical characteristics and methods of labor. 

Large Turkish Dog Breeds

Turkey is home to numerous large dog breeds such as the following that are well-known for their skill at protecting livestock. 

Kangal Turkish Dog

Turkey’s most well-known guard dog is the Kangal which is renowned for both its guarding prowess and its potent bite. 

Are Kangal Dogs Dangerous?

Because of its immense size and strength it has one of the strongest bite forces of any dog breed the Kangal Dog is frequently viewed as dangerous. Kangal dogs are not intrinsically dangerous though. They have a reputation for being quiet and reserved especially when they are with their family. 

Kangal Dog Height in Feet

Big dog kangals are. Males can reach heights of 2. 6 to 2. 9 feet (32–35 inches) at the shoulder while females are usually slightly shorter standing between 2. 3 and 2. 6 feet (28–32 inches). Their remarkable capacity for guarding is aided by their enormous stature. 

Kangal Dog Size and Weight

Males including the Kangal dog breed is usually 90 to 145 pounds for an average weight depending on the dog breed genetics of the dog. Though they appear to be large and muscular in size they are mostly friendly towards people and animals that they know well. 

Kangal Dogs for Sale

Even though they can be purchased from reputable breeders, kangal dogs are not common to find outside Turkey. The price of a Kangal pup starts at 1000 dollars but can cost up to $2000 dollars or even more depending on the breeder’s location and the bloodline quality of the dog. 

Akbash Dog

The Akbash is a self-sufficient white-coated animal that guards livestock and is similar in stature to the Kangal. 

Akbash Puppies

Another Turkish breed that guards livestock is the Akbash which is distinguished by its white coat. Puppies of the akbash breed usually have a soft fluffy coat at birth which gets denser and thicker with age. 

Akbash Dog Price

An Akbash dog can cost anywhere between $600 and $1500 depending on the breeder and the dog’s pedigree. Because of this the Akbash is marginally less expensive than the Kangal but to guarantee the dogs health and temperament it is still essential to purchase from a reliable vendor. 

Akbash Dogs for Sale

Though they are more widely available in rural areas of the United States especially where livestock protection is required, Akbash dogs can be difficult to locate outside of Turkey. 

Akbash Dog Size and Height

Male Akbash dogs are big dogs that weigh between 90 and 130 pounds and stand between 2 and 4 feet (29 and 34 inches) at the shoulder. At 2 points 2 and 2 points 6 feet (27 and 31 inches) tall and 75 to 100 pounds in weight females are generally smaller. 

Akbash vs Great Pyrenees

Because of their white coats and similar roles as protectors of livestock the Akbash and Great Pyrenees are frequently compared. But whereas the Great Pyrenees has a bulkier build and a more relaxed attitude the Akbash is typically leaner and more agile. 

The Akbash is generally more independent and quick to react when in danger than the other breed but both make great watchdogs. 

Akbash Dog Bite Force

The bite force of the Akbash is known to be a potent and reliable deterrent against predators despite having less documented data than the Kangal. Similar to the Kangal, the Akbash mainly uses its strong bite for defense as opposed to aggression. 

Akbash Dog Height

Male Akbash can reach a height of 34 inches at the shoulder. Their formidable guardianship in any rural or farm setting is enhanced by their strong musculature and impressive height

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Turkey’s own breed, the Anatolian Shepherd, is used to guard livestock and is sometimes confused with the Kangal. 

Anatolian Shepherd Intelligence Ranking

The working and obedience intelligence of the Anatolian Shepherd breed is above average making it an extremely intelligent breed. But rather than being programmed to obey orders their intelligence is primarily focused on autonomous problem-solving. 

Anatolian Shepherd Puppy

Puppies of Anatolian Shepherds tend to be reserved and independent qualities they maintain into adulthood. To help these puppies grow into well-rounded adults socialization and training are necessary from an early age. They grow close to their families even though they are independent. 

Anatolian Shepherd Weight and Size

Another large breed are the Anatolian Shepherds where males typically weigh between 110 and 150 pounds and females between 80 and 120 pounds. Females are slightly smaller than males standing at 2 points 4 to 2 points 8 feet (29 to 34 inches) tall. 

Anatolian Shepherd Colors

There are several colors available for the Anatolian Shepherd such as fawn white brindle and pinto. Their coat is usually medium to short in length and it has a thick undercoat that keeps them warm in inclement weather. 

Anatolian Shepherd Mix

There are many mixes of Anatolian Shepherds especially with breeds like Akbash and Kangal. Frequently these hybrids are developed to improve specific characteristics like stature, mental acuity or protective spirit. 

Anatolian Shepherd Lifespan

At eleven to fifteen years old the Anatolian Shepherd is one of the largest breeds with a comparatively long lifespan of 11 to 15 years. Certain Anatolians may live considerably longer with the right care such as a balanced diet and frequent veterinary visits. 

Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal

Due to their similar Turkish origins and respective roles as protectors of livestock the Anatolian Shepherd and Kangal are frequently confused. Between the two breeds there are some significant variations though:

  • Size: Compared to Anatolians Kangals are typically a little bigger and more muscular.
  • Temperament: The two breeds are independent and devoted to their families although the Anatolian is thought to be more subdued and the Kangal is frequently perceived as being more forceful when defending cattle. 
  • Coat: Compared to the Kangal who usually has a fawn coat with a black mask the Anatolian Shepherd has a greater variety of coat colors. 


In conclusion, The Turkish Boz Shepherd is a unique breed that combines enormous strength, size and loyalty with a kind disposition toward its family. Their ability to protect livestock from predators and their rarity and cost make them extremely valuable. 

They are ideal for owners who can give them the room attention and care they need because of their distinct personalities, special health requirements and amazing physical characteristics. The Boz Shepherd is a large dependable breed to think about if you’re looking for a guard dog but make sure you’re ready for the demands of this strong independent dog breed. 

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